It's my 100th post
so in great blog tradition
I will have a giveaway.
My first post was in January 2007.
It's taken a while to get here!
Initially I had set up the blog to keep in touch with family and friends.
I thought it was a good way of showing them our new life here in Sweden.
Except I didn't tell anyone about it!
People asked us
'Why Sweden?'
This blog I suppose
aims to answer that question.
It's really a photo journal
of our day to day living.
I often wonder whether to publish a post
because each day is much like the one that went before.
We live in a forest,
Our nearest neighbour is 200 hundred yards up the track.
Some days we feel that we could be the last people on earth
because we haven't seen anyone for days,
When we sit outside on our terrace,
it is very quiet.
There is only the sound of the birds,
or sometimes the sound of the wind in the trees.
Hardly any aircraft travel overhead,
and traffic noise is only heard
Perhaps when the wind is blowing in the right, (wrong) direction.
Mike has told lots of our friends about my blog now.
And I know they call in to see what we're up to
or maybe it's just to see what the weather is up to in Sweden!
My daughter told me last week that she looks at my blog,
which I'm very pleased about.
I enjoy my trips into Blogworld.
I have made a lot of friends here.
Important when so far away from
family and friends at home.
So still without my camera
I will show what I have on offer for my giveaway.
I think I can manage with photos that I took before I dropped the camera.
I have been making some ATC's (artist trading cards),
from some felt I made last year,
which I embroidered.
I titled them
'English Garden in a Swedish Forest'.
I had some felt left so keeping the same size as an ATC
(two and a half inches by three and a half inches),
I have one to giveaway,
similiar to the ones shown here.

a heart,
you can just see one here
peeking out
but there's more in my side bar.

a hexagonal pincushion,
similiar to the one here, but smaller, and dottier.
some ribbons I bought-
one of a Dalarna horse,
and one blue and yellow (symbolising the Swedish flag).
All that that you need to do if you want to enter the giveaway
is to leave a comment here.
I will leave it open for a week,
until Monday 28th April 9am CET time
when I will pick one winner.
Please leave a link so I can contact you if I pick your name out of the hat.
Now I'll just go and find a hat!
Oh, and a Happy Birthday to my son.
Twenty three years old today!
Well that should be Sunday.
It has taken me that long to post this!
Best of luck!
Edited to add that the giveaway is international.