But the birds think spring is here. I noticed them viewing one of the bird boxes that we have.
The rocks are beginning to emerge from the snow.
And is that someone on a bike I see?
It must be spring!
Next he took us to a nearby downhill ski slope.
We didn't realise there was one so close to us.
It is manned by volunteers.
We were most impressed with this little chap.
He had a lovely calm confident manner about him.
He skied from top to bottom with his dad following behind keeping an eye on him.
Men, women and children took part.
My fingers were sometimes too cold to press the shutter button!
I'm not sure who won, and yes it was very cold!
I thought this a nice picture, taken on my way home.
The water is not frozen here as it is a channel under the road from one lake to another.
There are 5 lakes in our area all inter connected to one another.
The largest of which is the one closest to us and is about 10 miles long.