Or should I say family!
Yes the family arrived.
Let me introduce them~
Grandson, otherwise known for today's posting as
Spiderman's grandma,
who I think you know~
yes it's me on that wire.
'Does my bum look big in this?'
And here comes Spiderman's uncle
zipping into the picture!
Here is Spiderman with his Daddy.
So where is Mummy?
Well, she was the official photographer with at least 3 cameras
to document our adventure amongst the trees!
When we went to this place near to where we live.
It was something we hadn't tried before.
As Spiderman is only 5 years old
we thought it wise for there to be two people
up amongst the trees to assist him.
That would be his uncle
and yours truly.
Spiderman was excellent,
even if it was 'scary' at times.
He showed a lot of skill, bravery and sensibility.
It was a lot of fun.
I would certainly do it again.
In the photos above we were on the lower courses
as they were the easy ones
and most appropriate for Spiderman
and myself.
I know that for a fact as later on
I joined my son on a more difficult course
and ended up being rescued!
Well when I checked the course out
apart from looking higher,
it didn't look too difficult to me.
It was a struggle,
and unbeknowns to me,
I had an audience watching me grappling with ropes and
wriggly, awkward bits of wood strung from ropes
making it very difficult to make any progress across a gap some
6 metres above ground.
Fortunately I was oblivious to the small crowd watching,
or indeed the photos they were taking!
Yes, at my expense!
My daughter got a really good bad photo of me in a most ungainly position.
Fortunately I can't show it to you as I don't have it.
Suffice to say,
it was an excellent activity
even if Grandma did make a fool of herself!