Tuesday 23 November 2010

Running Late

What a bright bush against the grey.
I've no idea what it is.
We weren't sure whether they were berries or flowers.
It turns out they are flowers,
the petals are quite hard.
The weather has been quite grey,
damp and wet at times,
so the bright bush was a nice surprise.

I've had this post half prepared for a week now.
But Blogger lost some of my text
as I was editing it, so as it was late at night
I decided to put it on hold and go to bed.
Unfortunately, I didn't get back to it,
until now!

These first few photos were taken
over a week ago on one of our morning walks along the river.
We saw these grapes covered in plastic.
Most of the grapes have all been harvested now,
but these I think are being saved to make ice wine,
made once the frost has got to the grapes.
But I really must find out a bit more about it.

 On Saturday (13th November) we joined our friends who were celebrating St Martin's Day.
We arrived too late to see the horse and a procession through the streets.
All the children had made lanterns,
and there was a large bonfire down by the river.

The drum on the right of the picture is evidence of a band,
though we must have missed that as well!

We were eager to try these doughy pretzels.
All the children got one each.
Our friends got some for us,
but they were quite filling,
and covered in sugar.

The photo below really belongs with the first ones as it was taken at the same time.
It's just easier to keep it where it is.
We often let Paddy and Rufus off for a run when we are down by the river.
Rufus is very obedient and doesn't stray far.
We've been working with Paddy to come back when he is called.
For this we have used treats.
He loves his food and will do anything for a treat.
In fact we only have to crackle the celophane bag and he comes.
So here he is running back to us for a treat.
What's interesting about this photo is that the day before
the path that you see was flooded over by the river.
No doubt we'll get more of that happening now.

This last photo was taken on a different day,
on a different walk above the village.
There are new views now that there are no leaves on the trees.
The funny thing is,
when I was looking through photos from last year,
I took this same view last year
but one day later.

Maybe I should look out some of the photos I took over the summer
which I meant to post on here,
and didn't get round to at the time.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Just Stitchin'

One day a month,
Mike and I aim,
to give the other one,
a day off.
This means we are not obliged to
partake in the early morning walks with the dogs,
cough, cough!
If only they were early,
these walks tend to be a lot later these days.
Or any of their other walks apart from the last one at night.
And for me,
I don't have to think about what we're going to eat
and have to prepare it.
In other words,
no responsibilities on those days other than
deciding how we would like to spend the day.
Today, it was my turn,
and I just stitched away,
all day!

Monday 1 November 2010

Rippling Hexagons

Back in July,
19th to be precise,
I told you about how
some of my photos won some prizes
in an agricultural show.
Well I also entered
 two other classes.

One was for crochet,
in which I entered my ripple blanket.
I was very pleased
with this blanket,
for two reasons.
The first was that I had actually completed it.
I had been looking at them for quite some time in blogland.
But I never really thought that I would make one,
but I did.
Granted it's not a full bed size.
But it fits very neatly over this sofa back,
and is a good size to cover my knees
on the chilly nights to come.

The second reason was
because it was made entirely out of wool that I had.
Either my own from long, long ago projects,
or from wool I inherited from my mother.
Granted it's not the colour scheme I would have bought
if faced with a shop full of yarn.
But it is bright and cheery,
and I am very pleased to have made a blanket
and in doing so
not spent any money.
However I didn't win any prizes with it.
I must admit
I hadn't expected to.
I only entered it to push myself to finish it,
and for fun,
and because I had always
wanted to enter something I had made in a show.
I followed Lucy's pattern.
You can find her in my sidebar
at Attic24.
I really enjoyed making it as well,
very soothing and repetitive,
I'd definitly make another.
That reminds me,
I'm sure my daughter requested I make her one when she saw it.

The other class I entered was for a patchwork item.
I entered this pincushion
made from elongated hexagons
to my own design.

I like hand stitching hexagons,
and for my efforts I won second prize,.
The first went to a quilt,
and rightly so.
A lot of work goes into making a quilt.
Maybe I should add
that there were only two items entered in this class.
I like to think that they didn't just
give me a prize for entering though.
I hope not!

Well I spent all weekend
working on the computer
and had my instructions from Mike
not to use the computer today or tomorrow,
to give my eyes a rest!
So I haven't managed
to get round and visit as many people as I would have liked to.
Hopefully I'll catch up in a day or two.
Well I'm off to rest my eyes now.