Saturday 28 February 2009

Normal Service Will Be Resumed...

I usually find February to be a dark and surprisingly long month
given it is actually the shortest.

Fortunately this year it hasn't felt so long or dark.
It's had it's highs and lows.
Sunshine and grey days.
At times it has been very cold.
But the snow has been here throughout,
which I enjoy.
Particularly in the sunshine.
We have been experiencing some serious problems with our computer.
It has had a particularly virulent virus,
and as I understand, it has had to be taken back to basics.
Fortunately our friends that have been staying with us were able to do this for us.
Mike and I are such novices when it comes to IT.
So we are keeping our fingers crossed that there are no more problems with it.

So I have not been visiting many blogs of late,
or even posting regularly.
I apologise to those of you that I would normally have visited more often.

I hope
that spring is around the corner.

Happy weekend where ever you may be.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Racing Fun

Race One

One dog or two?
Well there are two tails.

Neck and neck.

Jewel takes the lead!

Race Two

Here comes Jewel leading again.

Here come the boys.

Paddy then Rufus.

They have some catching up to do.

Paddy leaps ahead.

Here comes Jewel round again.

Can you see the boys in the background taking a short cut past the tree?

Jewel wins again!

Saturday 21 February 2009

Thrills and Spills

It's been a busy week.
With having friends to stay we have been out and about more than usual.
Yesterday we met up with our Swedish friends to watch a car rally.
It was in a forest in the snow.
Sure to get some spills.
Following the spill, the driver tooted his horn
and people rushed over to help get the car back on the track.
We had a great time.
We took a barbeque
and some cakes and buns of course.

Susan and I got cold feet with standing around.
So Britmarie our Swedish friend broke some branches off a Pine tree for us to stand on.

It was amazing how that helped.

Our feet were much warmer.

Because of the cold, we left the dogs at home,

happily sleeping in the warm.

They still continue to enjoy all the extra attention that our visitors are giving them.

Jewel and Rufus enjoying Richard's attention.

Friday 20 February 2009

Scootering Along

We have friends staying with us this week.
They are a young couple from the UK.
They first came to stay with us July/August 2006.
So they are finding it quite different to their first visit,
when it was sunny and hot all the time.
Now there is snow all around and it is quite cold at times (-10 degrees centigrade).
Yesterday we took some snow scooters out.
It was great because a couple of our Swedish friends joined us and took us on some forest trails as well as over some of the lakes.
One of the group managed to tip their snowscooter over spilling both her and her husband!
Mike was not very pleased!
But fortunately Mike and I were not injured.

Our greyhounds seem to be enjoying the company,
just a bit...

A smiling Rufus.

Saturday 14 February 2009

Not Red

I thought I would post a photo of some hearts I have made.
Well it is Valentine's Day.
I made them to post out to some ladies that I am in a swap with.
They are quite small so are not bulky or heavy.
Easier for the postman or woman to deliver.
The main colours are yellow and blue.
The colours of the Swedish flag.

Looks like the Trolls have been having fun too!

Friday 13 February 2009

Mmmmm Very Yummy

I love baking.
But we decided I'd lay off baking cakes for a while.
Well we just kept eating them!
And at our age you have to think before you eat,
where will they end up-
round our middle's!

But Mike couldn't take it any more-
being cakeless.
So for the first time ever
he made his own cakes.
His own version of Rocky Road.
Made with crispies and cornflakes.
They also have marshmallows inside.

And they are extremely Yummy
Very moorish.

In fact I've been eating not one but two as I've been writing this.

Best laid plans....

Have a great weekend wherever you are.

Monday 2 February 2009

Chicken Run

The Uk has had it's heaviest snowfall in 18 years today.
And more forecast for tomorrow.
It has been minus 11 degrees centigrade here today.
But the sun was shining brightly.

We ventured out from our cottage in the forest.
First we walked the dogs. Although it was pretty, we also felt the cold.
So I think they were quite pleased to be in the car afterwards, in the warm.
Rufus is starting to doze here.
While we went to have a look at these ....
A fine looking rooster and his harem. Don't they look lovely in the sunshine?
And a gander (a male goose) amongst them all too!

Mike had arranged the visit so that we could get a good idea of what is entailed when keeping chickens.
We are hoping to get our own when the weather gets warmer.
Judging how cold it is now, that might be in while!