Thursday 30 September 2010

Bunting, Bells and Boats

I've found it very difficult to get back into the way of blogging
after being away for what seems an age.
It's been doubly difficult just trying to post the photos in the order that I want them!

So here goes with some photos I took last weekend.

I took a drive along the valley to a town
where I thought there would be a wine festival.
Yes it's that time of year again.
There are wine festivals every weekend at the moment
somewhere along the river.


A nice way to see the river is on one of the many pleasure boats.
Particularly on such a lovely sunny day.


I walked up from the river into the town
which in places seemed quite deserted.

I could hear some bells
and rounded a corner to see the cause,
and this is where I found the wine festival,
tucked away in a small square. 

It was quite low key,
but I imagine that it would come alive in the evening.


As I left the square
this pretty window caught my eye,
and these colourful flags.

Back down to the river.

A lone fisherman,
and one of the many bridges across the river.


Looking across the river,
one lone tree was quite striking
in it's autumnal plumage.

I was quite tempted by this cafe,
maybe next time.
I had to get back home
to take the hounds out for their walk.

And what a lovely walk it was too.

Well, that took longer than usual,
looks like I need some practice!
Now I just need to get back to visiting all my blogging friends,
which I've sadly neglected.
Hope to see you soon.